From Al Jazeera English: The coronavirus pandemic means we are facing our worst ever recession. When times are tough, investors tend to put their money into so-called ‘safe haven’ assets such as gold. The gold price hit a record high of $2,060 an ounce a couple of weeks ago, a 30 percent rise this year.
Category Archives: Videos
Silver Mining | The Search for Gleaming Metal Silver Mining | The Search for Gleaming Metal Our copyright policy does not apply to this video. Video copyright to the original owner, video is shared from youtube. Gold News
Peru’s Dirty Gold

The Amazon rainforest is home to 10 percent of the world’s known species, and its ancient trees remove millions of tons of carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere. Its pristine forests, however, are increasingly under threat. The soil underneath some of the rainforests is laced with gold, and each year, thousands of kilometres of
Gold / Silver Manipulation & The Story of Gold Gold / Silver Manipulation & The Story of Gold Our copyright policy does not apply to this video, all rights belong to the original producer. Shared from youtube. Gold News
Alaska Gold : Deposited with an estimated worth of $500 Billion Bristol Bay in southwest Alaska is home to the last great wild sockeye salmon fishery, and to mineral deposits estimated to be worth nearly $500 billion. probes the fault lines of a growing battle between those who depend on this extraordinary fishery for a living, the mining companies pushing to extract the minerals and
Britains Biggest Heists: The Brinks Mat Gold Bullion Robbery

At the Heathrow International Trading Estate on 26 November 1983, a robbery took place which seen the criminals escape with just over 3 tonnes of pure gold bullion, worth an estimated 26 million dollars at the time. Over 3 decades later, only 50% of the bullion has been accounted for, 50% remains missing, and only
The Bretton Woods system and global economic issues

When turmoil strikes world monetary and financial markets, statesmen invariably call for “a new Bretton Woods” to prevent catastrophic economic disorder and defuse political conflict. The very name of the remote New Hampshire town where representatives of 44 nations gathered in July 1944, has become shorthand for enlightened globalisation. The actual story surrounding the historic
The Secret World of Gold: History & Role In Modern Economics Gold has both a special and dark past, although many without knowledge consider gold to be nothing more than a relic of past times, or a want in terms of jewellery and other specially made items, gold as a commodity is still flourishing in modern society, and still plays a pivotal role in economics
What Is a Gold Standard?

Before 1974, U.S. dollars were backed by gold. This meant that the federal government could not print more money than it could redeem for gold. While this constrained the federal government, it also provided citizens with a relatively stable purchasing power for goods and services. While Australia had remained on the path of the sterling
The great stock market crash of 1929

Our copyright policy does not apply to this video, Text and video copyright to original owner, video shared from youtube. Gold News