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Gold: $4,043.88 AUD     $2,712.69 USD Silver: $47.88 AUD     $32.13 USD

Author Archives: Gold News Australia

Are We Ready For A Global Gold Deficit

The global demand for gold as a safe haven is growing but gold is increasingly being used in other industries like jewellery and electronics. Tons of gold bars and gold coins are bought every day but few people ever stop to think about how much more gold we can expect to get from this planet. Gold cannot be manufactured, it is a completely natural resource and as such it is limited. We have heard talk about peak gold production but we either aren’t fully aware of what this means or we are simply oblivious to what is going on.

Gold In 2019 And Beyond

Gold has come a long way in the investment world. It is loved by both ordinary people and global power brokers. It has been considered as a long term investment for those who want to build a strong financial future especially in these uncertain times. 2018 has been particularly eventful with gold showing growth when stocks and bonds faltered.

What the WGC thinks of gold in 2018

2018 is a good year for gold, That is what the World Gold Council (WGC) says. According to economic analysts, the S&P 500 struck an all-time highs but gold prevailed and finished stronger by 13.5%. This is the biggest annual gain since 2010. Gold outperformed a lot of other major assets.

Russian Gold Sales Soar As Country Works Towards Cutting Its Dependence On The U.S Dollar

Russia has been buying up gold, increasing its gold reserves since March 2015. Speculators have been throwing the idea that Russia is working towards decoupling its economy from the Dollar, especially with the growing tensions that America has had with other countries primarily because of the tariffs and economic sanctions. Russia was the third biggest producer of gold in the world in 2017. It produced 266.2 tons of gold in 2017, just 6 tons less than what Australia the second largest gold producer reported in the same year. According to the World Gold Council, the Russian Central bank increased its gold reserves by 224 tons. This would be the third year that the Russian Central bank has increased its reserves by 200 tons.

Is Bitcoin The New Gold?

With so much surrounding Bitcoin and the whole Cryptocurrency concept, a lot of people have begun comparing an investment in gold to investments in cryptocurrency. Before going further, it should be noted that these two are extremely different. Gold is essentially a physical store of value that will last a lifetime. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is speculative. The only way that these two might be similar is that they both subscribe to the rule of supply and demand. When there is a problem with supply numbers not meeting demands, the price of gold or Bitcoin will be affected.

Demand from Rural India raises Perth Mint December Gold Sales

The year ended on a stronger note for gold. The demand for gold surged thanks in part to the high crop prices that farmers in rural India are getting for their produce. It’s clear that gold has a great influence on the economy of a country. According to the Economic Times of India, the demand for gold rose in India as a result of farmers getting more for their crops. Clearly, it has been a good harvest judging by the 15% rise in gold purchases in December. The rising prices of crops like Soybeans, cotton and guar have boosted farming income.

Silver Mining | The Search for Gleaming Metal Silver Mining | The Search for Gleaming Metal Our copyright policy does not apply to this video. Video copyright to the original owner, video is shared from youtube. Gold News

Peru’s Dirty Gold

The Amazon rainforest is home to 10 percent of the world’s known species, and its ancient trees remove millions of tons of carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere. Its pristine forests, however, are increasingly under threat. The soil underneath some of the rainforests is laced with gold, and each year, thousands of kilometres of

How the Trump-North Korea Situation is Stimulating Gold

In the last few weeks, there has been a lot of tension in the Pacific as the Trump Administration decided to mobilise military forces near to the Korean Peninsula, a region that has always been hot.

The Life of a Happy, High-Tech Gold Prospector in Australia

Gold Prospector in Australia

Most people could think that lonesome gold prospecting is something from the past, only seen today in western movies. But the truth is that there still are many enthusiasts out there, especially in those areas of the world where gold is still abundant.