Current Live World Spot Prices
Last update: Sat 7th September 2024 03:23 (Melbourne)
Gold: $3,734.04 AUD     $2,493.24 USD Silver: $41.66 AUD     $27.81 USD

British Gold & Silver Coin Prices AUD / USD

Value of British Coins today at current World Spot Prices

Current AUD and USD value of popular British Coins containing gold or silver precious metals.

The below prices show the value of each coin based upon the total amount of gold or silver contained in each.

The below prices do not factor in any additonal collectors value.

Metal Coin Name / Type AUD Value USD Value  
Gold 5 Pound Gold Coin $4395.11 AUD $2934.64 USD More Info
Gold 2 Pound / Double Sovereign $1758.19 AUD $1173.95 USD More Info
Gold 1 Gold Sovereign $879.10 AUD $586.98 USD More Info
Gold 1/2 Gold Sovereign $439.11 AUD $293.19 USD More Info
Silver Half Crown (1816 to 1919) $17.52 AUD $11.70 USD More Info
Silver Half Crown (1920 to 1946) $9.47 AUD $6.32 USD More Info
Silver Crown (1816 to 1919) $35.03 AUD $23.39 USD More Info
Silver Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1849 to 1919) $14.01 AUD $9.36 USD More Info
Silver Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1920 to 1946) $7.57 AUD $5.06 USD More Info
Silver Threepence (1816 to 1919) $1.75 AUD $1.17 USD More Info
Silver Threepence (1920 to 1946) $0.94 AUD $0.63 USD More Info
Silver Sixpence (1816 to 1920) $3.51 AUD $2.34 USD More Info
Silver Sixpence (1920 to 1946) $1.90 AUD $1.27 USD More Info
Silver Shilling / Twelve Pence (1816 to 1920) $7.00 AUD $4.67 USD More Info
Silver Shilling / Twelve Pence (1920 to 1946) $3.78 AUD $2.53 USD More Info
Silver Crown (1920 to 1946) $18.94 AUD $12.64 USD More Info

British Coins: 5 Pound Gold Coin

5 Pound Gold Coin
Coin Name / Type5 Pound Gold Coin
Precious Metal TypeGold
PM Purity91.67%
Total Weight39.94g
PM Content36.61g
AUD Value$4395.11 AUD
USD Value$2934.64 USD

British Coins: 2 Pound / Double Sovereign

2 Pound / Double Sovereign
Coin Name / Type2 Pound / Double Sovereign
Precious Metal TypeGold
PM Purity91.67%
Total Weight15.98g
PM Content14.65g
AUD Value$1758.19 AUD
USD Value$1173.95 USD

British Coins: 1 Gold Sovereign

1 Gold Sovereign
Coin Name / Type1 Gold Sovereign
Precious Metal TypeGold
PM Purity91.67%
Total Weight7.99g
PM Content7.32g
AUD Value$879.10 AUD
USD Value$586.98 USD

British Coins: 1/2 Gold Sovereign

1/2 Gold Sovereign
Coin Name / Type1/2 Gold Sovereign
Precious Metal TypeGold
PM Purity91.67%
Total Weight3.99g
PM Content3.66g
AUD Value$439.11 AUD
USD Value$293.19 USD

British Coins: Half Crown (1816 to 1919)

Half Crown (1816 to 1919)
Coin Name / TypeHalf Crown (1816 to 1919)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight14.14g
PM Content13.08g
AUD Value$17.52 AUD
USD Value$11.70 USD

British Coins: Half Crown (1920 to 1946)

Half Crown (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeHalf Crown (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight14.14g
PM Content7.07g
AUD Value$9.47 AUD
USD Value$6.32 USD

British Coins: Crown (1816 to 1919)

Crown (1816 to 1919)
Coin Name / TypeCrown (1816 to 1919)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight28.28g
PM Content26.16g
AUD Value$35.03 AUD
USD Value$23.39 USD

British Coins: Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1849 to 1919)

Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1849 to 1919)
Coin Name / TypeTwo Shilling / Florin Coin (1849 to 1919)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight11.31g
PM Content10.46g
AUD Value$14.01 AUD
USD Value$9.36 USD

British Coins: Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1920 to 1946)

Two Shilling / Florin Coin (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeTwo Shilling / Florin Coin (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight11.31g
PM Content5.66g
AUD Value$7.57 AUD
USD Value$5.06 USD

British Coins: Threepence (1816 to 1919)

Threepence (1816 to 1919)
Coin Name / TypeThreepence (1816 to 1919)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight1.41g
PM Content1.30g
AUD Value$1.75 AUD
USD Value$1.17 USD

British Coins: Threepence (1920 to 1946)

Threepence (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeThreepence (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight1.41g
PM Content0.71g
AUD Value$0.94 AUD
USD Value$0.63 USD

British Coins: Sixpence (1816 to 1920)

Sixpence (1816 to 1920)
Coin Name / TypeSixpence (1816 to 1920)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight2.83g
PM Content2.62g
AUD Value$3.51 AUD
USD Value$2.34 USD

British Coins: Sixpence (1920 to 1946)

Sixpence (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeSixpence (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight2.83g
PM Content1.42g
AUD Value$1.90 AUD
USD Value$1.27 USD

British Coins: Shilling / Twelve Pence (1816 to 1920)

Shilling / Twelve Pence (1816 to 1920)
Coin Name / TypeShilling / Twelve Pence (1816 to 1920)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity92.5%
Total Weight5.65g
PM Content5.23g
AUD Value$7.00 AUD
USD Value$4.67 USD

British Coins: Shilling / Twelve Pence (1920 to 1946)

Shilling / Twelve Pence (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeShilling / Twelve Pence (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight5.65g
PM Content2.83g
AUD Value$3.78 AUD
USD Value$2.53 USD

British Coins: Crown (1920 to 1946)

Crown (1920 to 1946)
Coin Name / TypeCrown (1920 to 1946)
Precious Metal TypeSilver
PM Purity50%
Total Weight28.28g
PM Content14.14g
AUD Value$18.94 AUD
USD Value$12.64 USD